So you wanna know about charcoal, eh?

* Are you considering a stove project that includes charcoal or fuel briquettes?

* Do you know want to know why wood has a smaller impact on the environment than charcoal?

* Did you know you can create micro grids in rural areas using improved charcoal kilns?

* Did you know that Dar es Salaam consumes enough charcoal each year to fill a swimming pool as long as the distance between Paris and London?

These and other questions will be explored when The Charcoal Project guest-edits the upcoming issue of the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air‘s bulletin on charcoal and alternative solid biomass fuels.

And if you have questions or comments about charcoal that you’d like to see us address in this bulletin, then this is the time to ask!

So, don’t be shy, hit us with your best questions!

1 thought on “So you wanna know about charcoal, eh?”

  1. I’d like to see the bulletin address the following question that’s been bugging me for a long long time:

    “If clean and energy efficient charcoal cookstoves are such a great idea (because they save money and improve indoor pollution), why do we need program to encourage people to use them?
    The use of cell phones among housesehold in the same income bracket that charcoal stoves are being promoted is impressively high – and yet cel phones are much more expensive than an efficient energy stove and there isn’t a NGO or government ‘program’ to encourage their use. Hence, what are we not doing right in cookstove programs, and what can the business community teach us about how to make efficient stoves the new next investment that households want to make?”

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